Wednesday September 12/12

1) Yesterday I had you hand in your polished paragraphs.

2) Today we’ll do some more work on refining elements of paragraphs. Paragraphs1Paragraphs2

3) Next we will do a four corners exercise to help you focus on developing and supporting an opinion but before we do that we’ll have to make sure we’re clear about rules for expressing opinions and differing view points in positive ways.

4) Then we’re going to work on brainstorming some ideas for opinion pieces and you will choose one to write about.

Monday September 10/12

1) Please hand in your poems.

2) What’s the difference between a stereotype and a prejudice?

3) Write about a time where you pre-judged someone or someone pre-judged you. How did it make you feel?

4) Read “Bad Rap” in the Don’t Label Me texts. The first time through, identify the main idea.

The second time through, identify the supporting details. Write these down on the following graphic organizer: main idea supporting details.

5) Finally write one well constructed paragraph, summarizing the piece you just read.



*Make sure you bring your silent reading books tomorrow.

Friday September 7/12

Today we’re going to head down to the library to choose an independent reading book. It doesn’t matter whether you want to read fiction or non-fiction.

Once you have chosen your book you have two options: you can read or you can log on to a computer and type up the good copy of your poem.

If you did not have a rough draft of your I Am poem finished by the end of class yesterday, you must have it done to show me this period. Your good copy is due on Monday.

Thursday September 6/12

1) The winner of yesterday’s word game is …. Liam! Well done! Come get your prize!

2) First we’re going to take down a short note on the writing process:



3) Yesterday we brainstormed different stereotypes that people have about Canadians and teenagers. We also came up with a definition for stereotypes.

4) Today we are going to write the rough draft of an “I Am” poem.

If you have not yet handed in your shield, you need to do so!


Wednesday September 5/12

Welcome back!

1) Today we’re going to being with a word game. I’ve written the word STEREOTYPE on the board. Using only the letters in the word STEREOTYPE see how many other words you can make.

2) Next we’re going to discuss what the word stereotype means and we’ll write the definition in our notes.

3) Brainstorm as many stereotypes as you can think of that people have about Canadians.

We’ll watch this commercial that was very popular a while back

4) Now brainstorm as many stereotypes as you can think of that people have about teenagers. (write these in your notes).

5) You will use these stereotypes to help you develop ideas for your own I am Poem.  (You can get a digital version of this assignment by clicking the link above”