
Boo! We’re starting today with our literature circle meeting.

If everyone is prepared for today’s meeting we will have a treat afterwards.

Tomorrow I’m away and you’ll be blogging in the lab and then you’ll have time for reading/working on madlibs. If you didn’t post last week, make sure your post is on the blog before tomorrow!

Tuesday October 30/12

Today we’ll begin by reading some more of The Hunger Games as a class. As we read you’ll each be responsible for one of the following: a discussion question, a literary device, a connection, or vocabulary.

Next we’re going to talk about how to write a summary and we’ll write one as a class.

Finally, you will finish your literature circle work and have it in your folder for your next meeting tomorrow.

By the end of class you should be able to tell me one tip for writing a summary.

Handouts for today: SummaryHow to Write a Summaryexittweet

Thursday October 25/12

Today you will be in room 208 for blogging with Ms. Harding.

Please read through these steps completely before logging on to http://barkersbookclubs.ning.com/

1) Here is your blog post topic for today: Type your blog post in Word or Open Office first and save as you go.

  • Identify the types of conflict in your book and give specific examples (don’t forget page references and quotations please!)
  • What choices did the characters in your novel have as opposed to the ones they made? Do you think they made the right decisions?
2) Make sure your typed blog post meets the following criteria:
  • Writing is organized in proper paragraphs with minimal to no spelling or grammar errors
  • Uses at least three specific examples from the text with page references
  • Explains ideas clearly
  • Makes connections between texts, self, and/or world.
3) Post your blog post before the end of class whether you’re finished or not. I will be checking them from Toronto.
4) Comment on at least two other posts. Be respectful, polite, and try to extend the conversation.
5) If you have any trouble posting, you will print it out and give it to Ms. Harding.

Tuesday October 22/12

Today we’ve got the netbooks and I’m going to use them to get you set up on the site we’re going to use for our literature circle blogs.


You will sign up and create your profile and complete a practice blog post. Then you will have the rest of the period to complete your work for your literature circle.

Our first meeting is tomorrow! Don’t forget though, because we have an altered schedule , our class will start at 1:35

Wednesday October 17/12

Yesterday we focussed on making connections and asking good discussion questions. Today we’re going to practise discussion questions and learn a new literature circle role:  Literary Observer

Then you will make your literature circle folders and choose your role for your first meeting next week.

Handouts for this class:

Lit circle role cards