Wednesday March 8/17

In the previous unit you reviewed the difference between a fact and an opinion. We all have opinions on lots of different topics, but what good is an opinion if you can’t support it? In this unit you will learn to express your opinion in a series of paragraphs.
Let’s begin by looking at the structure of an opinion piece:

Did you notice that the authors’ opinion is stated clearly? The authors take a stand on an issue and do not “sit on the fence.” trying to argue both sides of an issue

Identifying the Main Idea and Supporting Details
Read through the opinion piece above a second time, but this time look specifically for the supporting details. The main idea (opinion statement) has already been identified for you. You will choose how you demonstrate your understanding of the main idea and supporting details by filling out a following fishbone graphic organizer.

fishbone concept



Making Connections and Extending your Understanding
The opinion piece you read was focused on access to secondary education for girls around the world. Did you know that there are Canadians who struggle to get access to secondary education? Many remote First Nations communities do not have safe, comfortable schools for students and many do not have high schools at all, so students have to travel hundreds of kilometers away and live with strangers in order attend high school. Read more about this issue by investigating the following links:
Shannen’s Dream (Wikipedia)
First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada
Global News: Failing Canada’s First Nations Children

Tuesday March 7/17

Hi folks, we’re heading back down to 207 again today to get your work completed so I don’t have to put in a terrible mark for your first report card! Cut-off is tomorrow for handing in late work.

For those of you ready to move on, I have an assignment for you on opinion pieces. Come see me.

Monday March 6/17

We are going back to 207 today to type up good copies of our work. I have to submit report card marks this week. So please ensure you have completed the following;

  1. Typed a good copy of your information paragraph and submitted it to me on Sesame.
  2. Typed a good copy of your news report and submitted it to me on Sesame.
  3. Completed all handouts in your portfolio

If you think you have all these things done please come see me.

Thursday March 2/27

Did you hear that Pope Francis endorsed Donald Trump for president?

Or that Hillary Clinton sold weapons to ISIS?

Crazy, right?

And … 100 percent false.

But if you were one of the millions of people drawn to a bogus headline in your Facebook feed — or other social media platform of choice — and found yourself reading an article on what seemed like a legitimate news site, then why wouldn’t you believe it? I mean, people you supposedly trust shared it with you and it ranked high in the Google search. How could it be made-up information?

Welcome to the world of “fake news.”


Can YOU tell the difference between fake news and real news?

Sometimes advertisements are disguised as news to trick you. Now have a look at the following handout (ask your teacher for a copy) fake news id. Complete the handout (on paper). Then move on to the next part below:


Here is a check list to follow to determine whether news is real or fake:


Using the above checklist to complete the other side of the handout that looks like this:fake news id 2. Then do this final part:

Finally, write a well-developed paragraph responding to the following question:

What is fake news and how can people identify it?

You will write post your answer in the form below (Remember to include your name or you won’t get credit for it!):


Wednesday March 1/17

We are continuing with yesterday’s work. To be on track today you should be writing your rough draft of your news report.

I will begin class by reviewing the elements and structure of a news article and then you’ll have time to write. I will be working with groups of you today depending on what stage you’re at.

Please see yesterday’s blog post if you were away yesterday.