Tuesday February 27

Today Ms Dejong is going to go into more detail about the elements of fiction to help you remember what details you need to include in your short stories. Then you will head down to the library for the rest of class to work on writing your rough draft of your story.

If your planning sheet isn’t done yet, you’ll need to do that first.

Monday February 26

Today during silent reading you’re going to be focusing on visualizing.

Then you will continue developing ideas for your short story. There is a planner posted on Google Classroom for you to use.

Please remember to bring in your permission forms for our field trip next week!

Thursday February 22

Ms Dejong is taking over as your teacher for the next little while. She’ll be walking you through the process of writing a short story. Please remember to get your permission forms in for our field trip. Many of you also still need to bring in your registration forms.

Wednesday February 21

We will finish Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade today. Then I want you to hop onto Google Classroom and fill out a form identifying how this film follows the quest pattern.

Once you’re done, use the remaining time for silent reading or getting caught up on missing work.

Tuesday February 20

We are continuing to watch Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade today to see how it fits the quest pattern.

I handed out permission forms for our field trip on Friday so if you were away, please come get one. Return them ASAP. This field trip is totally free.

Friday February 16

We will be going to the library for the first half of the period to choose books for silent reading. Once you have a book you can sit and read it, or, if you have not completed your work on the short story you read on Wednesday, you can do that instead.

For the second half of class we will be going to 301 for course selection.

I’m also going to be giving you permission forms for our field trip to Digital Extremes on March 6. Please return these ASAP.

Thursday February 15

Today we’re going to review the quest pattern which is a pattern used in pretty much every superhero movie you’ve ever seen. It’s also the basis for many other stories even though the pattern might not be as obvious.

We will start watching the movie, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and you will identify how this movie fits the quest pattern.