
Welcome to ENG2P! I’m looking forward to an exciting semester with you.

  1. To get started, I’m going to ask you to fill out a student information form:

2. When you’re done, go to Google Classroom and join our class using the code: uosiee

3. Sign up for reminder texts by texting @4fhf47 to the number 450-900-0126 or if you prefer to get email reminders, send an email (with no message) to 4fhf47@mail.remind.com

4. Class rules:

  • snacking in class allowed as long as no trace of garbage or crumbs left behind and provided that we don’t have any food allergies.
  • you can help yourself to tea as long as you bring in your own mug and clean up after yourself
  • cell phones, laptops, tablets permitted and welcome in class as long as they are being used for learning purposes. If in doubt, ask. No earbuds in unless you are doing independent work
  • if you’re late, come in quietly, sign the late sheet and get to work right away. Please don’t interrupt the learning to ask what you missed. You can either speak to me after class or better yet, check the blog.
  • If you are away, please take responsibility for your learning and check the blog before returning to class.
  • Have something with you to read every day. We may not always have time, but when we do, I’ll give you silent reading time. Fiction or non-fiction.
  • Washroom breaks: One person out of class at a time so please be respectful of your classmates.

4) What are you going to learn in this class:

2Pcourseoutline 2018 Tipping

Course Culminating Activity: Video Game Pitch to Game Development Studio (Filmed)

Discussion: What would you need to know and be able to do in order to deliver a successful pitch?