We are having our midterm today. Please make sure you have your bookclub novels to read if you finish early.
Monday April 9
We’ll start today by discussing the midterm expectations. Then you’ll have time for your opinion paragraphs and silent reading.
Friday April 6
Today is our second literature circle day. I will take a few minutes to review the expectations with you and then you will get into your groups. Remember, the main thing you are being marked on is your ability to talk about your book.
You will have a self-evaluation to complete at the end.
Then you will finish your opinion paragraphs.
FYI Midterms start next Friday. Our midterm is on Monday April 16. I will discuss what you need to review on Monday.
Thursday April 5
Today we’ll begin with 15 minutes of silent reading and then time for you to complete your book club role including your discussion questions. Then you will have time to finish your opinion paragraphs. These are due today.
Wednesday April 4
We’ll start today with 20 minutes of silent reading and then head down to the Inquiry Den to work on our opinion paragraphs. Please see Google Classroom for more details.
Tuesday April 2
Today we’re going to do an overhaul on the book clubs. Some of you will continue with your original book. Some of you are doing a different book. Some of you are continuing with independent book clubs. Others are going to move into a supported book club. Our next book club will be this Thursday so it’s important that you know your role.
After we do some work on our book clubs we are going to move on to our opinion paragraphs which we started on Thursday.
Thursday March 29
We’ll begin today with a discussion about our book club meetings and then move on to writing an opinion paragraph about gaming.
4 corners: Gaming is a mostly negative thing for teenagers.
Move to the corner that represents your opinion and explain your reasons why. Be prepared to share a reason you heard.
4 corners: In my novel, video games are portrayed as mostly negative.
Move to the corner that represents your opinion and explain your reasons why. Be prepared to share a reason you heard.
Then you will grab a Chromebook and log into google classroom and complete the t-charts posted.
If time permits we will generate a list of success criteria for an opinion paragraph based on what we already know about the summary paragraph.
Tuesday March 27
Today you’re beginning with a content quiz and then you will do a practice book club. Then you will have time to prepare for tomorrow’s meeting by completing your role card and your 4 discussion questions.
Learning Goals
Learning Goals
Learning Goals Unit 3
We are learning to….
- Analyze media texts so that we can make informed decisions
- Conduct research using reliable sources
- Communicate information we’ve learned in writing for a specific audience and purpose
- Communicate ideas effectively using visuals for a specific audience and purpose
I will know I am successful when I can…
- Apply specific criteria to explain whether or not a text is reliable (the C.R.A.P. test)
- Identify some good sources for research
- Write in a series of well developed paragraphs with references to research sources
- Create an infographic or poster that is appealing for my audience and easy to understand from a few feet away
- Create a works cited page to accurately indicate the sources I’ve used.
Monday March 26
You will have time for silent reading today and finishing your practice book club. Please remember you will have a content quiz for the first 1/5 of your novel tomorrow.
Remember you will need to have your book club role completed and your four discussion questions in order to participate in Wednesday’s meeting.