Today I’m going to give you time to work on your scene presentations. In particular, you should be focusing on your annotated script. I have copies of the handout for you, but you can also download extra copies here: Blocking notes
Friday March 28/14
Work period and check in day today. If you can send me a digital copy of your project great! If not, I’m going to take a picture of it rather than have you hand it in.
Thursday March 27/14
Today is a work period for your Othello projects. I have the netbooks signed out for you.
Wednesday March 26/14
Good morning! Today we’re going to start by taking up the archetypal tragedy chart for Othello.
Then we’ll talk about themes in Othello. If you’re away, download the following handout: Othello-Themes
I’d also like to take a look at the scene presentation assignment. This is going to be fun! Don’t worry if you’re not an “actor,” there are lots of different opportunities for everyone to shine in this assignment.
Tuesday March 25/14
Today we’ll continue working on classifying Othello as an archetypal tragedy.
Monday March 24/14
Today we will start classifying Othello as an archetypal tragedy. If you were away today, be sure to have a look at the following handouts:
Classifying Othello as an Archetypal Tragedy
We will still be working on this on Tuesday.
Today I will hand back your project proposals. Remember, your first check-in is this Friday. You need to be specific and make sure you fill out your check-ins.
Thursday March 20/14
Act 4 of Othello today! Finish reading anything we don’t get to for homework.
Wednesday March 19/14
Today we’ll start by summarizing Act 2 and then dive into Act 3. Don’t forget I’m looking for your project proposal on Friday and the good copy of your personal essay on Monday.
Tuesday March 18/14
Today we’ll start by summarizing Act 1 with the following handout: Othello summary charts
Then we’ll launch into Act 2. Any part of Act 2 we don’t read in class will be homework. Again, for those of you who are away, there are digital copies of Othello available (see yesterday’s post).
I’m also handing out a project proposal sheet for this unit which will be due at the end of the week: ENG3UE Unit 2 Project Proposal
Monday March 17/14
Welcome back!
On the agenda for today:
1) Your personal essays: I have given feedback to anyone who submitted their essay to me on or before the deadline. If you submitted digitally, you can pick up your essay by going to the handout folder. Please make revisions and submit your good copy digitally and on paper by Monday at the latest. Don’t forget to include your self evaluation. I have paper copies of the rubric that I posted before March Break.
2) Next, we dive into Othello. I hope you’ve given some thought to your formative assessment projects over the break. We’re going to handle this unit a little differently by jumping straight into the content before you have to submit your proposals. In other words, we’ll start reading today. Your proposals will be due by the end of the week.
If you’re away today, I’ll send a Remind 101 text telling you how far you’ll need to have read by tomorrow. Luckily, Othello is easy to access online: Find it here.