Welcome back!
I’m excited to be joining the staff at South and looking forward to getting to know all of you.
I update this blog every day so if you are ever absent, this is the place to check to find out what we did while you were away. Please check it before you come to class if you’ve been absent. Whenever possible I will post digital versions of handouts.
Today’s agenda:
Icebreaker (ugh. I know. I hate these. Until I’m doing them and then I actually like them)
1) Which meme most closely represents how you feel about this past summer?
2) Which one represents how you feel about this school year?
Course Outline
And assorted paperwork. Because we must. ENG3U2017 Course Outline
I use Remind for sending text message reminders and to allow you to ask me questions outside of school time. Email is fine too but I don’t check email as frequently so please follow the instructions below for signing up with Remind for our class. d.tipping@tvdsb.on.ca
I need to find out what you already know and where you need extra help. So don’t stress if there’s stuff on here that you don’t know. That’s important information for me. Just do your best.
Please submit your diagnostic by the end of the period.
Please fill out this form: