Thursday December 21

Test day!

A couple points about the posters that are due tomorrow:

1) If you’re doing a digital one but you don’t have time to print it out that’s okay. Send me the file or link to file on google classroom and you can bring in a paper version after the break when we will be doing our “gallery walk”. Digital posters must be submitted by the end of the SCHOOL DAY tomorrow.

2) If you’re doing a paper one I do need it Friday because I’m taking them home to mark over the break.

Are we still on for a breakfast potluck for tomorrow?

Tuesday December 19

Continuing to work on poster. Your poster must be submitted before the break. I won’t be accepting any submitted after the break.

Reminder about the test on Thursday: You can bring your copy of Macbeth and you must bring your foldable. See Google classroom for handouts for each of the 4 literary theories. I expect that you will have your copy of Macbeth flagged with sticky notes. You know what’s going to be on this test (see last Monday’s post). There will be no surprises.

Monday December 11

Today we will set the day for the Macbeth test (which will happen next week).

Here’s what I need to know you understand and can do for the Macbeth test:

  • understand the plot of Macbeth
  • understand who the major characters are and what motivates each of them
  • understand and be able to identify ways Shakespeare develops themes and big ideas such as power and corruption, appearance vs reality, gender roles,
  • identify how Shakespeare uses blood imagery to emphasize violence and guilt
  • Explain what each of the following critical lenses reveal about the implicit meaning of Macbeth: psychoanalysis, archetypal, feminist, Marxist.
  • Provide evidence from the text that supports your opinion about whether or not power inevitably leads to corruption.
  • Explain how Macbeth does or does not fit the criteria for a tragic hero.
  • Use quotations effectively to support your ideas.

Thursday December 7

Act 3 lecture today followed by discussion of tragic hero.

Tomorrow we’ll finish the Act 4 lecture and then you’ll do a blog post on Macbeth as tragic hero.

Monday December 4

I know you’re all eager to hear who one the challenge from last week but I’m still waiting on a couple votes, so you’ll have to check out Twitter tonight. @SCILionsEnglish

We will watch the videos today though!

Then you’ll stay in your teams to read Act 3 and 4 out loud. At the end of each scene I want you to come up with a question and answer that addresses either character, theme, or symbolism.

Submit these questions at the end of the period. These will be used in your next challenge.

Friday December 1

Today you will have time to finish your scenes. Videos are due in Google classroom by 2:25 today or you forfeit your points.

You will also complete your summary portion of your act 2 notes and submit them to me.