Monday January 15

Today we are working on the Gatsby outline. It is due Wednesday in Google classroom. If you absolutely can’t hand it in online, I’d rather have a paper copy than no copy 🙂

Here’s the outline for the remaining classes:

Tuesday January 16: Brainstorming and prewriting

Wednesday January 17: (Gatsby outline due) Outline

Thursday January 18: Drafting

Friday January 19: Drafting

Monday January 22: Rough draft due for peer editing

Tuesday January 23: Revising

Wednesday January 24: Editing

Thursday January 25: Submit good copy and Review.

Friday January 26: Exam.

I will provide you with an exam review sheet before the end of the week.

If you have a laptop you can bring in, I strongly suggest you bring one as we only have 24 Chrome books.

Thursday January 11

Today you will work with your group members to share your evidence from chapters 3 and 4 (or 4 and 5 if you followed my typo).

Then you’ll work on the next two chapters on your own.

Here is a searchable online Gatsby. Hit ctrl F and you can search for key words:

Wednesday January 10

1) Your homework from yesterday was to find evidence for your chosen topic for chapters one and two. What I would like you to do now is get together with people who are doing the same chapters as you and exchange ideas. Add ideas to your sheet but make a clear delineation between your ideas and the ideas you got from your peers.

If you are not finished your homework–you may not participate in this “idea exchange”. Instead, complete your work while the others are sharing.

I’m reposting the topics along with the students who have given me their choices so you know who to work with. Groups of 3 or 4 are ideal.

  • a.The role of fate in the novel
  • b.Is Gatsby great?: Alex, Maggie, Lauren Rowe, Malik
  • c.The American Dream: Christos, Aidan, Maddie, Lewis, Marisa, Josh G
  • d.Colour symbolism: Robin, AbbyT, Jack, Abby S, Julia, Emily
  • e.Love: Alyssa, Era
  • f.The “Roaring”Twenties: The Great Gatsby as a comment on American Society in the 1920s: Zina, 
  • g.Role of women: Christine, Gana
  • i.Time: Scott
  • j.Class and social distinctions: Chris, Ethan

You may have 20 minutes for this. After 20 minutes please submit your work. I will be marking it at lunch.

2) Watch this video and add to your notes from yesterday.

Then, begin your homework: Scouring the pages of chapters 4 and 5 for more evidence. Due tomorrow. Yes it’s for marks.

Tuesday January 9

Welcome back!

1) We’re going to start with a content quiz. Don’t worry; it’s all multiple choice.

2) Powerpoint and video and Gatsby

3) Essay topics:

(Remember, these are TOPICS not THESIS STATEMENTS. You will need to create your own thesis statement.

  • a.The role of fate in the novel
  • b.Is Gatsby great?
  • c.The American Dream
  • d.Colour symbolism
  • e.Love
  • f.The “Roaring”Twenties: The Great Gatsby as a comment on American
  • Society in the 1920s.
  • g.Role of women
  • i.Time
  • j.Class and social distinctions

4) Gathering evidence from chapters 1 and 2.

You will not be writing a full essay on the novel but you will be creating a detailed essay outline with an effective thesis and support from the novel. This will be your culminating task for the unit so take it seriously.

Homework: Gather evidence from chapters 1 & 2 that are connected to your topic. You don’t need to know what you think about this evidence yet. Just find it. Make note of it. Be prepared to share it and hand it in for marks.

Monday January 8

Snow day today!

But that didn’t stop us from having a really good chat about Gatsby. Be prepared for a content quiz on the whole novel tomorrow.