Welcome back!
I update this blog every day so if you are ever absent, this is the place to check to find out what we did while you were away. Please check it before you come to class if you’ve been absent. Whenever possible I will post digital versions of handouts.
Today’s agenda:
Icebreaker (ugh. I know. I hate these. Until I’m doing them and then I actually like them)
1) Which meme most closely represents how you feel about this past summer?
2) Which one represents how you feel about this school year?
Class website
BYOD Policy:
We will be using devices every day. Students are encouraged to bring their own devices, but if they don’t have one, we can supply one. Cellphones can be a good tool for learning but since we have devices in this classroom, expectation is that cellphones are kept on silent (not vibrate), facedown on the desk or out of sight. If I have to talk to you more than once about your phone being a distraction in class, you will be asked to place it in the charging station and you can pick it up at the end of the period.
Course Outline
And assorted paperwork. Because we must. Course Outline.
Google Classroom
Almost all of our work will be posted and submitted on Google classroom. The code you’ll need to join our class is 2em3419
I use Remind for sending text message reminders and to allow you to ask me questions outside of school time. Email is fine too (d.tipping@tvdsb.ca) but I don’t check email as frequently so please follow the instructions for signing up with Remind.
Exit Ticket
What’s one thing you are hoping to do in English this year? Put your name and answer on the sticky note.