Monday December 11

Today we will set the day for the Macbeth test (which will happen next week).

Here’s what I need to know you understand and can do for the Macbeth test:

  • understand the plot of Macbeth
  • understand who the major characters are and what motivates each of them
  • understand and be able to identify ways Shakespeare develops themes and big ideas such as power and corruption, appearance vs reality, gender roles,
  • identify how Shakespeare uses blood imagery to emphasize violence and guilt
  • Explain what each of the following critical lenses reveal about the implicit meaning of Macbeth: psychoanalysis, archetypal, feminist, Marxist.
  • Provide evidence from the text that supports your opinion about whether or not power inevitably leads to corruption.
  • Explain how Macbeth does or does not fit the criteria for a tragic hero.
  • Use quotations effectively to support your ideas.