Welcome back!
1) We’re going to start with a content quiz. Don’t worry; it’s all multiple choice.
2) Powerpoint and video and Gatsby
3) Essay topics:
(Remember, these are TOPICS not THESIS STATEMENTS. You will need to create your own thesis statement.
- a.The role of fate in the novel
- b.Is Gatsby great?
- c.The American Dream
- d.Colour symbolism
- e.Love
- f.The “Roaring”Twenties: The Great Gatsby as a comment on American
- Society in the 1920s.
- g.Role of women
- i.Time
- j.Class and social distinctions
4) Gathering evidence from chapters 1 and 2.
You will not be writing a full essay on the novel but you will be creating a detailed essay outline with an effective thesis and support from the novel. This will be your culminating task for the unit so take it seriously.
Homework: Gather evidence from chapters 1 & 2 that are connected to your topic. You don’t need to know what you think about this evidence yet. Just find it. Make note of it. Be prepared to share it and hand it in for marks.