About This Blog

The main purpose of this blog is to provide a space for me to “blog out” my thoughts and opinions about education. I use this space to reflect on my professional practice, and think through ideas that I find challenging and inspiring. The opinions on this blog do not necessary reflect those of my employer.
The header for this blog was taken from a picture by Chris Harbeck at the Unplug’d event this past summer (2011).

2 thoughts on “About This Blog

  1. Hello, I am a teacher and have a question. I see that you have a class website, a Ning for each of your classes, and Edmodo. For which purposes do you use each resource, and why? I’m trying to figure out the best way to move forward. Thank you!

    • Hi Mark,
      I use my website as a kind of jumping off point for all the other sites. The information on it doesn’t usually change much throughout the semester. I use my class blogs as a kind of online daybook. Originally I planned on using it in a more interactive way, but it turns out that the ning was better for that. I use edmodo for posting and submitting assignments as well as sending messages to students. In my media class I use the ning for blogging and collaborating with a class in another school. In my other English classes I use the nings for specific units where I want to have students blog, or discuss particular topics outside the classroom. I like ning because it looks cool and has great features. My students really like it. If I had to choose just one, I think it would be the ning. If I could choose two, I’d combine my blogs with the ning. I think ning is a really good starting place. Let me know if there’s anything else I could help you with.