Friday November 9/12

Great work on your literature circle meetings and summaries yesterday!

Today we’re blogging in room 208. Your topics are posted on the blog. Don’t forget to comment on 2 other posts. Once you’ve finished, you can log on to Bitstrips and create a comic to show your favourite scene from your literature circle novel. I’ve already created accounts for you. Just follow the instructions below:

Bitstrips for Schools Student Login Instructions
Step 1
Go to
Step 2
Under Student Login on the left, enter the following classroom code: barker2P and click on the Go button
Step 3
Select your name from the name box. If this is the first time you are logging in, create your password and click Set Password.

Tuesday November 6/12

Today is a work period for getting ready for your literature circle meeting or for getting caught up on missing work. If you don’t think you have anything to work on, talk to me.

Remember, if you don’t have your work in your folder by the end of the period, you will be finishing it with me at lunch tomorrow.

Monday November 5/12

Today we’ll begin by reviewing the elements of a summary. Then we’ll read some more of The Hunger Games and practice writing a summary. For the rest of the period, you will have time for reading your literature circle meeting and preparing for this week’s meeting.

Thursday, November 1/12

Today you are blogging in room 208. Here are the instructions that are posted on our site for today:


  • Today I want you to focus on making connections.
  • Your goal should be to identify three different connections you’ve been able to make so far.
  • One connection=one paragraph.
  • For each connection, explain how making a connection helped you understand the text.
  • Don’t forget to comment on at least two other posts before the end of the period. 

A level four blog post will have the following characteristics:

  • Writing is organized in proper paragraphs with minimal to no spelling or grammar errors
  • Uses at least three specific examples from the text with page references
  • Explains ideas clearly
  • Makes connections between texts, self, and/or world.
  • Includes a picture that helps give the reader a sense of what your post is about.
  • Is properly tagged with the keyword title of your book (Divergent, Four, or Fire)
Remember, the url for our site is