Friday November 24

1) There are a couple teams that still need to give me their graphic organizers for their scene analysis.

2) Time to complete summary section on Cornell notes. Submit

3) Get into teams. I will give you your twitter account and your scene (keep your scene secret).

4) Homework: Blog post

On your class blog, write a post for one of the following topics:

1) “Fair is foul and foul’s fair”: Identify examples of contrast and paradox in Act 1. For each example, identify the speaker, explain the context and discuss the significance of the quotation. How does Act 1 begin to answer the question: Does power inevitably lead to corruption?

2) “Weird Sisters”: Identify the ways Shakespeare plays with expectations of gender roles in Act 1. Identify at least three different quotations about gender and explain what you think Shakespeare is suggesting about gender. How does Act 1 begin to answer the question: Does power inevitably lead to corruption?

3) “We will proceed no further in this business”: Who is more to blame at this point in the play? Macbeth? The Witches? Or Lady Macbeth? Support your ideas with at least three specific quotations from the text.  How does Act 1 begin to answer the question: Does power inevitably lead to corruption?